Comper - Plumbing ECommerce Classic Elementor WooCommerce Theme

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shoppingBag Sales: 24

Created: Apr 12, 2019

Updated: May 12, 2020

ID: 79791

og体育首页ONE - Unlimited Downloads for $12.40/mo

500k Items | Commercial Use License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Support Join to Download this Item  for Free
Comper - Plumbing ECommerce Classic Elementor WooCommerce Theme - Features Image 1Comper - Plumbing ECommerce Classic Elementor WooCommerce Theme - Features Image 2Comper - Plumbing ECommerce Classic Elementor WooCommerce Theme - Features Image 3Comper - Plumbing ECommerce Classic Elementor WooCommerce Theme - Features Image 4Comper - Plumbing ECommerce Classic Elementor WooCommerce Theme - Features Image 5Comper - Plumbing ECommerce Classic Elementor WooCommerce Theme - Features Image 6Comper - Plumbing ECommerce Classic Elementor WooCommerce Theme - Features Image 7

Your online shop specialized in plumbing products will become more competitive and professional with Comper theme. You will be able to present products by categories, inform about special offers, discounts and new arrivals in the most convenient and user-friendly way. Also, it will be possible to provide information about your store and contacts. You will customize your website according to your needs and taste using a powerful functionality of Comper theme. It includes a strong Jet plugins bundle for Elementor page builder, which will be useful by creating a website of your dream. With JetWooBuilder plugin you will create WooCommerce templates and showcase products and their taxonomy easily. JetProductGallery plugin will allow displaying product images in the form of a stylish gallery without any coding knowledge. Using JetMenu plugin you will create mega menus with drop-down sections and apply different style settings to them. You will add AJAX filters to the pages with products using JetSmartFilters plugin. Your eCommerce website will look engaging and modern thanks to a responsive Comper theme.


Comper (September 1, 2021):

  • Minor bugs fixed;
  • WooCommerce 5.6 compatible;
  • Elementor Page Builder 3.4 compatible;
  • WordPress 5.8 compatible.

2 Reviews for this product

Один з моїх клієнтів давно планував перенести свій інтернет-магазин з російської платформи (конструктор сайтів) на незалежну CMS. Ми разом однозначно вирішили переносити на Wordpress + Woocimmerce. Тематика: сантехніка та запчастини до бойлерів. Переглянувши величезну кількість шаблонів, вибрали цей. І не прогадали! Після переносу інтернет-магазин на цьому шаблоні виглядає чудово і на ноутбуках, і на смартфонах. Сучасний, легкий та швидкий, легко вносити зміни до шаблону. Разом з ним вже йдуть необхідні для повноцінной роботи плагіни. Також легко імортуються всі демо-матеріали (разом з зображеннями). Якщо тематика шаблону вам підходить – сміливо обирайте та встановлюєте його. Всім вдалих продажів!
I loved this template. It was easy to use, the support was excellent too. They were even available to assist me on Facebook. I was able to finish the site within a day. I highly recommend the author. The product was perfect too, there is nothing that i wanted to do that i failed to do. It was a perfect choice! I used it for a shop that sells spare parts for refrigeration, air conditioning, home appliances etc.

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