Pesto - Café en restaurant Schone HTML-bestemmingspagina-sjabloon

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shoppingBag Verkoop: 93

Created: 16 dec 2015

Updated: 16 dec 2015

ID: 58125

og体育首页ONE - Onbeperkte Downloads voor $12.40/mnd

500k Items | Commercieel Gebruik License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Ondersteuning Word lid om dit item te downloaden  Gratis
Pesto - Café en restaurant Schone HTML-bestemmingspagina-sjabloon - Features Image 1Pesto - Café en restaurant Schone HTML-bestemmingspagina-sjabloon - Features Image 2Pesto - Café en restaurant Schone HTML-bestemmingspagina-sjabloon - Features Image 3Pesto - Café en restaurant Schone HTML-bestemmingspagina-sjabloon - Features Image 4Pesto - Café en restaurant Schone HTML-bestemmingspagina-sjabloon - Features Image 5Pesto - Café en restaurant Schone HTML-bestemmingspagina-sjabloon - Features Image 6Pesto - Café en restaurant Schone HTML-bestemmingspagina-sjabloon - Features Image 7Pesto - Café en restaurant Schone HTML-bestemmingspagina-sjabloon - Features Image 8
Tegenwoordig is het belangrijk om een website te hebben. Zeker als je een bedrijf runt. Maar als je een restaurant runt, heb je misschien iets compacts nodig. Het is een goed idee om uw klanten minder te vertellen, maar ze uw menu, locatie en contacten op één bestemmingspagina te laten zien. Daarom presenteren we u een Pesto-bestemmingspagina. IT is compact en helder. U kunt het vullen met uw producten en vertellen over uw bedrijf. Een website ontwikkeld met Pesto zal een goedkope en betrouwbare advertentietool zijn. Het bevat een reserveringsformulier, google maps en sociale opties. Bovendien is deze template, dankzij de ervaring van ontwikkelaars, volledig responsief en werkt hij perfect op alle apparaten en operationele systemen. U kunt de productpagina bekijken om de demo te zien en de HTML-sjabloon voor de bestemmingspagina van Pesto te kopen.


Version 1.1 (June 19, 2019) Additions

4 Reviews for this product

A clean HTML, CSS, and JS/JQuery templated website; very happy and so is our client. This is a well-structured single-page site, which is exactly what we were looking for to represent our client's bar venue. The template is nicely sectioned to enable common components to be re-used or removed as desired. It is responsive to all devices viewed on. Due to the template's clean HTML, we were able to create our client's website from start-to-finish within 1 day ... and the website is already generating business for our client, so they're super happy! Another great template - and recommended. NB: I only rated Author's assistance as a 1 star, as we didn't need any assistance :)
I absolutely recommend this template. The code is celan and easy to work with and its responsive side also works well. I apreciate the PSD, where I can make changes before I post them online. I used it for one local café and it looks pretty good. Just map isn't working well but I think thats because I didn't add the key/ID properly. The only thing I am missing is some opening hours section, which is important in website like this. Nevermind, it was easy to add. Bootstrap is also bonus for me.
This template is an Excellent landing page for small business owners, you can manage your own text and pictures in a flash
The template was as good as the food being displayed! As always, excellent value from Template og体育首页, I am not here every week, but I could be :-)

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4,1 /5
Support rating (277 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 201 4 12 3 6 2 6 1 52
Response Time: Normal This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.


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