Inova - Website-Vorlage für Innen- und Möbelherstellung HTML5-Css3-Design

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shoppingBag Verkäufe: 18


Erstellt: 12.05.2022

Aktualisiert: 30.04.2024

ID: 246342

og体育首页ONE - Unbegrenzte Downloads für $12.40/Monat

500k Artikel | Kommerzielle Benutzung License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Support Anmelden zum  kostenlosen Download
Inova - Website-Vorlage für Innen- und Möbelherstellung HTML5-Css3-Design - Eigenschaften Bild 1

Inova Theme ist eine kreative und modern gestaltete Website für Innendekoration und Möbelherstellung der neuen Generation.

Es handelt sich um eine Website-Vorlage mit Konzeptarchitektur, die mit überlegenen Funktionen ausgestattet, mit 3D-Effekten ausgestattet und vollständig seo- und mobilkompatibel ist.

Es hat eine minimalistische Struktur, in der Sie die Werbung für Ihre Möbel professionell zeigen und Ihre Projekte auf ästhetische Weise präsentieren können.

Es ist eine professionelle und effektive Wahl für alle, die Dienstleistungen in den Bereichen Innendekoration, Architekt, Möbelherstellung, Möbeldesign und -dekoration erbringen.

Wir haben einen speziellen 3D-Effekt-Slider-Bereich im ersten Eingangsbereich der Website hinzugefügt. Und indem wir spezielle Rotationsschaltflächen hinzugefügt haben, haben wir kleine Linien in künstlerische Elemente verwandelt.

Wir haben mit kleinen Akzenten in diesem innovativen Design mit feinen Linien einen großen Eindruck hinterlassen.

Sie können Ihre Produkte, Projekte, Ihr Profil und Ihr Team in dieser Vorlage in einer minimalen Struktur professionell darstellen.

Alle Felder sind sorgfältig ausgefüllt und es bleibt kein Leerzeichen. Jeder Raum, jedes Detail durchdacht

Ein Konzept für Innendekoration und Möbeldesign wurde erstellt.

Alle Inhalte und Bilder werden beim Kauf der Vorlage mitgeliefert. Und das Ändern aller Felder ist ziemlich einfach zu bearbeiten.

Wenn Sie nach einer professionellen Architekturvorlage suchen, sind Sie hier genau richtig.



Added custom vertical accordion FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) area.

Added special vertical accordion system for frequently asked questions. Additionally, a special visual has been added to the frequently asked questions area.


Added special accordion system. A special area for the about fields has been created in the tab system. New images added.

Added new accordion system. In this system supported by tab tabs, you will be able to add the content you want with its visuals. Added new images.


The phpmailer version update has been thrown. It is for php versions 8.0 and above.


The services area box layouts have been changed. Footer updated. Images have been optimized. Added special opening effect.


critical update,

The Slider 3D effect has been reorientated. The special rotate effect for the icon that appears softly in the background has been repositioned. Social media icons have been updated again. The menus were centered by adding special line lines. A special table view has been given to the products pages. Footer field has been updated again.

The Slider 3D effect has been reorientated. The special rotate effect for the icon that appears softly in the background has been repositioned. Social media icons have been updated again. The menus were centered by adding special line lines. A special table view has been given to the products pages. Footer field has been updated again.


Fixed the effect issue on the backlinks between pages.


SMTP mail codes have been added to the contact form.

2 Bewertungen für dieses Produkt

From all of the templates I bought this one is the easiest and most beautiful template I have ever the chance to work with. I recommend it not only for it's look, but also for the professional support from the author of the template, who helped me every step of the process to put it to work when it gets tricky to make a specific change. Overall it can't get any better than this - you have the perfect template and the perfect support from it's developer. That's why I am recommended it to all the people I know in this business and from now on I am buying everything that is made from the author, because I know not only that I can trust him, but also that he will help me and is on my side with every question I may have !
Hello, Your wonderful thoughts really made us very happy. We always do our best to provide the best superior service to our customers. And we want to provide the fastest web experience. Thanks again for your nice words. Best regards
It is a very nice and good template.I can recommend for everyone.
Hello sir, You didn't even properly describe what problem you're having. If you had written us your request, we would have helped you. There is no problem with layout on mobile or desktop in our theme. With all respect.

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Über den Autor

Guru Author


4,6 /5
Support rating (304 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 266 4 5 3 4 2 2 1 27
Reaktionszeit: Fast This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
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Bootstrap Version:

Images included:


General software requirements:

Code editing tool ZIP unarchiver

Hosting Requirements:

PHP Version Compatibility:

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